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FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 21/02/05 à 15h28

Comme chacun de vous, ma liste de missions commencent à regorger
de quêtes élites. Je vous propose donc le soir à partir de 21h par exemple de commencer à nettoyer ces quêtes (en prenant au départ celles qui touchent le plus de membres).
Votre avis ?
La ville avec le gros avion
179 messages
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 21/02/05 à 16h32

Avec le partage de quêtes pas dur de toucher le plus de membres, tout le monde les aura sans devoir chercher le bon NPC pendant 20 ans (non ne voyez aucune allusion à un jeu existant actuellement).
Que du fun le WoW je vous dis :)
Mon avis : je suis partant, autant finir deadmine machin non ? on a une revanche à prendre, enfin ceux qui sont morts ... ;)
555 messages
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 21/02/05 à 16h54

Agree pour la revanche ;) même si je ne suis pas mort, cette fois ci ;)

Il y a aussi la prison à faire, puis gnomeregan, et aussi paraît il un donjon instancié dans la foret de silverpine (chez les undead).

Il serait bon aussi de trouver la liste des instances existantes.
La ville avec le gros avion
179 messages
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 21/02/05 à 17h01

Liste officiel des donjons (trouvé dans un post sur JOL) :

World Dungeons

Deadmines - Level 15-20 - Westfall

Wailing Caverns - Level 15-21 - The Barrens

Gnomeregan - Level 24-33 - Dun Morogh

Razorfen Kraul - Level 25-31 - The Barrens

Blackfathom Deeps - Level 20-27 - Ashenvale

Shadowfang Keep - Level 18-25 - Silverpine Forest

The Scarlet Monastery - Level 30-40 - Tirisfal Glades

Uldaman - Level 35-45 - The Badlands

Razorfen Downs - Level 35-40 - The Barrens

Maraudon - Level 40-49 - Desolace

The Sunken Temple - Level 44-50 - Swamp of Sorrows

Blackrock Depths - Level 48-56 - Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Blackrock Spire - Level 53-60 - Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Strathome - Level 55-60 - Eastern Plaguelands

Scholomance - Level 57-60 - Western Plaguelands

Other Minor Instanced Areas

Ragefire Chasm - Level 13-15 - Orgrimmar

The Stockades - Level 23-26 - Stormwind

Zul'Farrak - Level 43-47 - Tanaris Desert


Celui d'ashenvale j'ai fait le début jusqu'à la zone instanciée. C'est des élites 20 à 22 dorées. Ensuite dans l'instance le premier que j'ai vu était une élite dorée 24, suis ressortie de suite :) A noter que dans le donjon, et a priori dans l'instance aussi, il n'y a aucun ennemi normal, ce sont tous des élites.

P.S :
Deadmines - Level 15-20 - Westfall
On à bien l'air bête d'être mort la dernière fois, je sais pas sur quoi il se base pour dire que c'est level 15-20
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 21/02/05 à 17h05

Nan, DM il faut bien un groupe de 20+, sinon il en ressort, mais les pieds devant =)

Le Donj Blackfathom est assez sympa et faisable si la moyenne de lvl du groupe est de 20 à 25.

Attention, à la fin, après avoir tué le nommé dans le temple, soyez super prudent à l'ouverture des portes (genre... un rezeur reste dehors, pret à courir =) croyez moi, c'est pas un conseil en l'air ; )
oneralynre:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 21/02/05 à 17h07

lv 15 ? ^^ ouéééé j'peux bientot bientot venir...suis pas loin du lv 15...
Bon reste le détail de vous retrouvez...:/
Pour le moment je zone Auber...(oui oui je suis sur le continent...c'est deja ca)
106 messages
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 21/02/05 à 17h20

En cas de nombreuses morts subites de la team en fin d'instance

> couillon que je suis (je n'y avais pas pensé), une solution toute simple si notre paladin préféré est avec nous et malheureusement décédé de manière violente (genre notre dernière tentative) :
je me mets en félin version invisible, je refais tout le donjon jusqu'à son corps et je le ramène à la vie ! (à lui de faire le reste pour la team). Et vi, moi c'est 1 fois toute les 30 mns :-(
EladiaPas bête du tout comme technique :)
Le 21/02/05 à 17h55

parce que moi je peux pas la faire cette technique... la furtivité c'est pas mon truc :P
La ville avec le gros avion
179 messages
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 22/02/05 à 12h14

Vu sur JOL :

Les named ne repop pas en instance,

Il faut resortir de l'instance, dissoudre le groupe, et reformer le groupe avec un autre leader que le précédent, sinon les named ne seront pas au rendez vous

Ca peut etre utile à savoir
La ville avec le gros avion
179 messages
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 24/02/05 à 16h57

14-18 HORDE ONLY (Ragefire Chasm): This is a small instance in Orgrimmar. Mobs are 13-16 elites, with 4 bosses. 6 quests you can do in this instance from Undercity, Thunder Bluff, and Orgrimmar One of the quests is stepped (Thrall.)

19-23 (Wailing Caverns): South of the Crossroads in the Barrens. This is a large instance with some jaw-dropping scenery. There are several quests to do for this instance and lots of bosses to kill. This is the first horde instance where you can get some nice blue loot for low level 20's characters, 1 of the quests is stepped here as well. A note, the final quest (waking the druid) requires you to be prepared as you must fight 3-5 waves (can’t remember at the moment) of mobs you fought prior in the instance. Then, Mutanus who is a 24 Elite critter. Also, just be aware, the Everliving guy up near the highest Snake lord is an undercon. He hits like a truck (hit my shaman for 300’s+ with 1200 armor @ 23.)

18-22 Deadmines. This is going to be most Alliance toons first instance. It's part of a long series of quests about the Defias brotherhood. The dungeon itself is designed to simply blow your mind and it does a most admiral job. When you break out of the deadmines and into VanCleef's warship for the first time you'll just be too astonished for words.

19-23+ BFD (Black Fathom Deeps) Located in western Ashenvale (notes on last boss being a strong 27/28 elite). There are a few breadcrumb quests to get you to this dungeon in the night-elf land and a bunch of quests given in the night elf lands itself. But after the initial wave, don't expect to find too many groups to do this. The Deadmines pulls from three races, BFD is just as tough as the deadmines, but it is a different dungeon for those wishing to get out and stretch.

20-25 ALLIANCE ONLY (Stockades). This instance is inside Stormwind city (yes the city itself has a dungeon). This instance intersects several quests from van cleef to the dark iron dwarves. Most people will be coming back here a few times. The dungeon is a simple T layout where you start at the bottom and work your way to each corner to kill the various bosses. There's nothing fancy here but it is a pretty cool concept and has some nice stories. There's a full walkthrough here (http://www.koaworld.com/html/wow/locations.php?l=stockades )

24-28( Shadowfang Keep): A fun instance for size. Relatively short, packed with interesting mobs, great loot, and some fun boss encounters. This instance is a great alternative for Horde characters struggling with Hillsbrad Foothills on a pvp server. nice to fully explore. End guy is a teleporting Caster

29-34 Gnomeragan. It's overly tough for the level and while it has some good loot the dungeon receives less than perfect reviews from some on the boards. I've seen twink groups led by level 60 people (or multiple level 60s) wipe at the bottom boss. I've seen incredible groups level appropriate groups wipe on the spiral to the final boss because of the landmines that are dropped. All in all I've enjoyed WoW more when I simply skipped the gnomeregan quests.

28-34 Razorfen Kraul. This isn't an alliance dungeon, it's located in the barrens. However the warrior quest requires you to visit this dungeon (simply follow the left side wall, cross the big briar thorn and find the guy they need to kill waiting for them just a short distance from the instance portal). For the horde the dungeon is a lot more storied, meaningful and much larger, complete with a non-functioning portal in the back which will extend the dungeon out even further to higher levels. One note is to get to the BIG Pig, you must kill the portal guardians which are non agro / yellow mobs.

36-42 SM (Scarlet Monastery). This is a very challenging and fun dungeon. It has 4 separate instances that compose it (although the farthest left one leads to the cemetery and there is a quest inside that entrance, but no named (rare spawns in cemetery drop great loot though.)) It's not an easy dungeon to get for Alliance being situated in the heart of the undead newbie zone (the shortest path is through a level 55-60 zone, the safest path is a rather epic journey especially considering the lack of mounts). Make certain to STOP those runners before they call for helm. There's a full guide here ( http://www.koaworld.com/html/wow/locations.php?l=scarlet_monastery ) LOVE this place!

36-42 Razorfen Downs Instance in southern barrens populated with Undead throughout and a powerful Lich as the chief boss(42). The instance entrance is actually quite deep inside the elite outdoor section. This instance ha some big pulls and will require some artistic taunting / crowd control for those caught unaware.

42-48 Uldaman. This is a pretty awesome dungeon that has a rich and well storied plot. To give you something to think over, in addition to massive XP, massive loot, the reward for this quest is also a full set of lore about the dwarven race. If you see at the end in the treasure room there's a ghostly dude in front of a pedestal that later is showing a hologram of a dwarf, well the ghostly dude is giving a history of the dwarven race to someone who is probably flipping through the quest tab as fast as he can without reading. But for those who love lore, Uldaman has it in spades. This is also (I believe) the first dungeon with bosses, who are labeled as such (unmarked level) very fun battles, so, stay on your toes for Crowd Control. Uldaman also leads you to an unfinished instance in Tanaris.

44-49 Zul'Farrak. There are a lot of quests for Zul'Farrak. This is an outdoor instance (druids rejoyce!) in Tanaris with a troll theme. I always enjoyed this dungeon, even after it became passe'. There's a lot of humor here, the most notable being Ghaz'rilla a giant three headed hydra that springs forth from the waters. And I can only describe the event where you have to defeat wave after wave of trolls with the help of 7 powerful npcs as amazing.

46-52 Mauradon Entrance is in the Valley of Spears NE of Shadowprey village in Desolace. Prepare for a LONG trek in here. This place is enormous and has 9 bosses. This place is chuck full of encounters that challenge all of the CC methods available, demons, elementals, humanoids, giants, etc… A number of quests in here, but a number are underconned so come prepared. Ends in a really enjoyable battle vs. a Giant Elemental, Princess Thelsedra (she has a neat bag of tricks… my advice, stay AWAY from the edge...) The loot in here really begins to make people want to raid. Also, there is a quest that a group can do that enables a port to the ½ point (hydra/waterfalls) which makes farming the bosses a little easier.

49-54 Temple. The quest related stone circle part in the dungeon is skipped by most groups who are in for only boss runs. The boss runs kill 7 bosses, kill a bazillion dragon kin, kill the prophet (quest related), kill 4 drakes, kill the dragonkin king Eranikus who drops some really prime gear (but, for a lvl 55 is hard as you can imagine.) This boss run on average takes at least two hours by a good group that knows exactly what it's doing.

53-60 BRD (Blackrock Depths). This dungeon is part of the dark iron legacy and has a rather interesting story involving the current affairs of ironforge -- a story I expect to be extended out in future expansion packs to interesting results. There is some great loot here and some great times by groups that know what they're doing. It's not as easy to find a group for BRD as it is for the final 3 instances but groups are easier to find than temple. What's interesting about BRD is the end boss is guarded by about a bazillion roaming non-elite dwarves on a 30 second re-spawn timer. This room (the lyceum) is the final definition of the word hell. But every time I wish Blizzard would nerf the lyceum and make it more realistic I can't bring myself to suggest it because it really makes taking down the emperor meaningful.

This is the only place smiths can mine / smelt dark iron ore needed to make epic items.

BRD has a portal inside this is the Molten Core entrance, it is RAID designated (and trust me, they mean it, bring friends… about 35 of them) and has a 7 day cooldown. The loot is amazing, however the mobs you must fight are epic challenging. Some excellent notes have been written up and provided by the guild Conquest’s website, link is here on VN.

57-60 Lower Blackrock Spire. In Blackrock Lots of big pulls, a couple of shortcuts if you know where you are going, and a lot of quests to boot. This is definitely fun in a group of 5, though you have to be very cautionary about drawing adds. The two hardest parts of this dungeon are the skitterweb tunnels with the drop spiders, and the big orc room prior to the last area with the Overlord. Both of these parts can be done in a group of 5, but the composition of the group has to be fairly specific. There is one part I don't think can be done in a group of 5 - the Urok Doomhowl Event (in the area right before the spiders). I think they should consider converting this into a Raid quest, because even in a group of 10 it is challenging. I think you will see a lot of guilds, especially, doing this dungeon in a group of 10 in an attempt to get the Seal of Ascension to go to Upper BRS, and also to kill the Overlord and get the General Drakkisath's Demise quest. However, note that almost all of the quests here cannot be done in a raid. You CAN, however, get the gems necessary for the Seal of Ascension in a raid.

59-60 Upper Blackrock Spire You can't get into Upper Blackrock Spire unless at least one person in your group has the Seal of Ascension, which you acquire by getting gems from the 3 main bosses in the lower Spire. The first few areas of this dungeon can be done with a very skilled group of 5. I'd even buy a group of 5 doing the Arena and killing Warchief Rend Blackhand, though 8 is probably more reasonable. However, once you get to the Furnace (where The Beast is), you are in 10+ territory. This is fine, because Blizzard has stated the dungeon is designed for 10 skilled players. However, a group of 10 is going to have a VERY difficult time killing General Drakkisath. 12-15 is probably the range needed to be consistently successful in killing the General.

58-60 Stratholme. This is located in the eastern plaguelands and is filled with undead and scarlet crusaders. This instance extends out and completes the scarlet monastery quest which you got a taste of in your thirties. The crusaders are meaner and nastier than ever but their loot is just as good. There are a number of single group quests for in here, but this dungeon is VERY challenging for a group of 5 and requires awesome teamwork, not to mention a ton of time.

59-60 Scholomance In the Western Plaguelands on Caer Darrow isle, middle of lake. Quested key to enter, starts in the bulwark (ardent dawn faction) and requires a number of steps to obtain. Skeletal fragments, a trip to Tanaris for a keymold, to un’goro to melt a couple of thorium bars into the mold, back to WP to kill the Lich in the town… and voila, key… OR you could skip all this and bring a rogue =)
La ville avec le gros avion
179 messages
re:FOCUS sur les quêtes élites
Le 25/02/05 à 15h41

Lord peux-tu faire un mix de ce post et celui de nhael, et mettre toutes les instances/donjons en post-it ? Je pense que ce serait utile.
Merci :)
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